Working a simple but effective shoulder mobility drill today. Regardless if you have had a shoulder injury in the past or not, this series is a great way to keep your upper body fluid and to maintain strength. Our focus throughout this exercise is to maintain contact with the wall from start to finish, making sure not to arch our back or extend our neck away from the wall in order to compensate for lack of mobility and strength in our shoulders. Focus in on opening your chest while maintaining contact with the wall with slow and steady arm movements.
This is just one of many mobility exercises we can do. Join now and get instant access to the rest of our extensive training library.
These are my six go to KettleBell Exercises for strengthening the legs. If you like this and want more, members of the FSW can check out the complete Navy SEAL KB series.
Meet Brenna, of the FSW Contributing coaches. Brenna is Yoga and Yoga for First Responder Level 2 Instructor.
Brenna has a complete series on hip mobility on the FSW Online Training Library.
So if you want to move better, check out the video, join the FSW membership, and watch the rest of her series as well as all the other training videos the library has to offer.
Looking for a new challenge? You don't have to lift heavier to get a harder workout.
Instead, try lifting unstable objects. Watch the video and learn more.
Rich demonstrates a technique for dips if you have limited shoulder mobility.
Checkout the introduction to the Landmine Rotational Movement for Tactical Athletes from Greg Mihovich, contributing coach to Full Spectrum Warrior.
Sometimes you need to be able to throw someone and if you have a base level of fitness, it's time to graduate to multiplane and rotational explosive movements so you can.
Members of the FSW membership can check out Greg's complete Landmine series.
Interested in becoming a member and getting instant access to this series plus all of the other online training content? Check out the Full Spectrum Warrior Online Membership here.
Watch as Rich Graham discusses how to climb a rope and gives techniques to make your climb more efficient.
This technique allows you to use your legs to climb instead of your arms.
You stand up on the rope and move your arms up so you can stand again.
This technique allows climbing even wearing body armor and kitted up because you are using more leg than arms.
In this video Rich discusses the tactical AR-15 flip and movement in relation to combat effectiveness.
Rich Graham (Navy SEAL Veteran) explains an option from our Combat Mobility System for engaging the prone position while maintaining both hands on the rifle. In this option here the shooter using a high port technique is able to execute this option with out sweeping the people to his left or right if needed. Again, this is one of many options and is not the only way to approach the prone position.
Safety note: you can practice this with a blue gun or during a dry firing session. To learn more about the Combat Mobility System you can join our Full Spectrum Warrior team. As a member you will receive many benefits, including access to our always growing training library!
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