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Mastering Angles: How Open Doors Can Be a Tactical Advantage in Home Defense

cqb home defense Feb 25, 2025

When it comes to close-quarters battle (CQB) and home defense, most people instinctively think that closing doors will keep them safer. But is that always true? What if an open door could actually work to your advantage?

The Complexity of Angles in Close Quarters

In our recent training session, we set up a simple exercise: two people trying to clear a space behind a false wall. With just one barricade in the room, the task seemed straightforward. But as soon as we added an open door leading into another space, things got significantly more challenging. Suddenly, every movement exposed new angles, making it much harder to maintain control over the environment.

Now imagine adding a second open door behind you. You’re no longer just focusing on the main room—you’re also trying to manage threats from multiple directions. The more angles that open up, the more complex the problem becomes. And this complexity is exactly what can work for you in a home defense situation.

Why Open Doors Create an Advantage

Most of us think that in a defensive situation, we should shut all the doors, hide in a room, and wait. But here’s the issue: a closed door tells an intruder where you are not. This allows them to clear spaces one by one, eliminating uncertainty and gaining control as they move forward.

Now, consider the opposite approach: leaving doors open. An intruder entering a hallway lined with open doors suddenly has to process multiple possible threats at once. The reactionary gap increases—they now have to slow down, scan multiple areas, and process a significant amount of information before moving forward.

This hesitation can give you the critical seconds needed to react, set an ambush, or escape. When an attacker has to evaluate five different open rooms instead of just one closed door, their timing is thrown off, and their ability to make quick, decisive actions is reduced.

Reverse Engineering CQB Tactics for Home Defense

In training, we experience these challenges firsthand as we learn to clear spaces. But just as important as learning to move through a structure is understanding how to manipulate the environment to our advantage.

By observing what makes clearing a space difficult, we can apply that knowledge to home defense. Strategic use of open doors, understanding angles, and forcing hesitation in an intruder’s movements can turn the odds in your favor.

Learn These Tactics Firsthand

If you want to gain hands-on experience in real-world CQB tactics, join us for Close Quarters for Responsible Citizens:

  • Level 1: March 29

  • Level 2: March 30 (Level 1 required)

  • Cost: $350 per level or $600 for both (includes training ammo)

This course will teach you how to control your environment, manage angles, and respond effectively under pressure.

Spots are limited—register now

Watch the Full Breakdown

To see this concept in action, check out the video above where we discuss and demonstrate how open doors can create a tactical advantage in a real-world scenario.

Understanding angles and reactionary gaps could mean the difference between being caught off guard and taking control of the fight. Train smart, stay sharp, and always be prepared.

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