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Safely Using a Weapon vs. Actually Fighting

gunfighter mindset Nov 05, 2024

In this video, I discuss the importance of going beyond traditional firearms training and developing the skills and mindset necessary to actually fight with a weapon. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or just starting out, this video will challenge your assumptions and provide valuable insights on how to improve your self-defense skills.


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Self-Reflection: Are We Destroying The Image Of God?

In this talk, I explore the importance of self-reflection and balance in our lives. I discuss how our passion for fighting against what's wrong can sometimes lead us to lose sight of our own character and values, and how this can ultimately destroy the image of God within us. Using the concept of Judo as a powerful analogy, I encourage you to be mindful of your own momentum and to find a balance between fighting against what's wrong and cultivating what's right.

This is just one of almost 20 coach talks from previous Protector's Summits. If you'd like to watch them, you can consider joining the FSW Online University and get access to all of these talks plus over 56 hours of exclusive video training content covering a wide range of topics related to firearms, self-defense, and personal development

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Ian Smith: Destruction Through Progress

mindset Mar 19, 2024
Full Spectrum Warrior
Ian Smith: Destruction Through Progress

In the most recent episode of the Full Spectrum Warrior Podcast I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ian Smith, gym owner turned political candidate. His story is one I hope inspires you to do just as he did, do the right thing, even when it's hard. Give the show a listen.

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Honesty: The First Step to Self Improvement

improvement mindset Feb 13, 2024

If you truly want to begin the journey of self-improvement, you have to begin with honesty. In the video above I offer some more insights into this foundation. 

If you are ready to start shoring up those deficiencies you identified from the 2024 Protectors Summit, I invite you to join the FSW Online University with code Protector40 that gives you 40% off the lifetime of your membership. In addition to the over 100 hours of content that will take your shooting, combatives, and mindset to the next level, over the next couple of weeks we will be adding the coach's talks from the 2024 Protectors Summit. 


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Learning from Mistakes: A Lesson in Accountability and Cognitive Training

In a recent range session, I made a significant mistake in front of students. This experience is shared to emphasize the importance of owning up to errors and learning from them.

The Drill: The drill involved shooting targets in a specific order based on the numbers called out. However, I shot the wrong the targets in the wrong order. This seemingly simple mistake carried substantial consequences if this was real life, highlighting the importance of cognitive thinking in training.

Accountability Matters: In firearms training, simple mistakes should viewed in the light of how serious that can be in real life scenarios. Shooting the wrong target in training could be shooting an innocent bystander for a law enforcement officer or accidentally shooting your family member instead of the assailant in a self defense scenario. Parallels Misjudgments can lead to dire consequences, emphasizing the need for accountability.

Cognitive Thinking in Firearms Training: Incorporating cognitive thi...

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Grateful for the Responsibility of Being a Man by Anthony Rivera

mindset Aug 22, 2023

Grateful for the Responsibility of Being a Man by Anthony Rivera

Below is a Guest Post from Anthony “Riv” Rivera, former Navy SEAL.

Grateful for the Responsibility of Being a Man

1 Corinthians 16:13-14, “be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”

First off, I love being a man! Being given the responsibility to lead, protect, and provide by God is an honor and a privilege. Everyday I thank God that He chose me to have this responsibility. This calling was exponentially easier when I was single and had no children, of course. Anyone who has ever led anything or anyone can attest to this; it is easier to lead one than it is to lead many. Carrying the load of manly responsibility and leadership is challenging all the time. It is a challenge that I accept with open arms because I have faith that God put the challenges in front of me to teach me valuable lessons like humility, self-respect, partnership, followership, account

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How should Steven Crowder's actions reflect how I view Christians

christian mindset May 02, 2023

How disappointed are we when people we have placed on pedestals fail or make mistakes?

Do you remember when you looked up to someone and they failed?

Unfortunately, humans make mistakes and fall short. You shouldn't view Christianity based on the actions of fallible people.

Instead, you must view it through the teachings of Jesus Christ. That is the Truth.

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Intro to the Protector's Summit

Elliot Hulse invited me onto his podcast and we had a chance to really discuss the Protector's Summit.

If you are on the fence about going, give this a view and then get your ticket for the 2023 event.

Sign up here.


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Free Will

mindset Nov 01, 2022

What are your thoughts? Love to hear them below.

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The Threat of Distractions

mindset Oct 18, 2022

Have you thought about the consequences of that distraction or that excuse and what it could cost you?


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