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CQB for Responsible Citizens


CQB vs. Home Defense: What Responsible Citizens Need to Know

When it comes to close-quarters battle (CQB) and home defense, many people assume they’re one and the same. While there are parallels, these two concepts have different applications that every responsible citizen should understand.

The Difference Between CQB and Home Defense

CQB is a team-based approach to clearing a structure and moving toward an objective—whether that’s rescuing a hostage or eliminating a threat. The key takeaway here is teamwork; trained personnel move together to clear spaces and control angles effectively.

Home defense, on the other hand, is a completely different challenge. Searching for a bad guy in your own home by yourself is highly dangerous because covering all angles alone is impossible. In many cases, setting up an ambush position and waiting for an intruder to enter your area of control is a far more effective strategy than trying to clear your house solo.


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