Here's a pro-tip for all the left-handed shooters that utilize the Glock.
Rich explains how to quickly and efficiently eject a magazine from a Glock.
The worst has happened and you had to stop a threat by firing your firearm.
Depending on the situation, it may be wise to accomplish a tactical reload.
Watch the video above as Rich Graham demonstrates how and when to do a tactical reload.
Most concealed carry holders don't carry the full-size handguns that they use and train with at the range. Instead, they opt to carry a smaller frame handgun.
How does a smaller frame impact trigger finger position and discipline?
In the video above, Rich Graham discusses a technique for trigger finger discipline for smaller frames.
Are you justified in using deadly force in a close combatives situation?
How do you identify if they are using a weapon?
If confronted with a close contact situation:
Today's Tactical Tip is the practical application of the Press Check. Watch as Rich Graham of Full Spectrum Warrior demonstrates how to do one.
In this video I explain why you should practice changing eyes when switching hands, even with a handgun.
For the full scoop, members of the Full Spectrum Warrior can check out the Combat Mobility System Video on ambidextrous shooting.
If you would like to become a Full Spectrum Warrior, you can check it out here.
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