Kelsey De Santis at FSW

Join Kelsey, a USMC Veteran, Professional MMA fighter as she teaches self defense basics, positve mental attitude, and MMA strategies with weapons. In addition, you will get access to our complete Full Spectrum Warrior (FSW) collection. Enjoy constantly new videos from our team of Top Coaches for Firearms, Dog Handling, Fitness, Tactical Training and much more. Click the button below to get access.


Meet Kelsey

 USMC Veteran Military Police K9 Professional MMA Fighter  BJJ Purple Belt  Personal Trainer  Martial Arts Instructor Trainer Certified K9 Decoy Personal Security Contractor Collegiate & Corporate Teams Coach Bachelor Degree, NSU School of Business & Entrepreneurship Masters Degree, University of Miami School of Communication Consultant Mother 2A Supporter

What is included with the Full Spectrum Warrior Subscription?

You will have access to all of the Full Spectrum Warrior training videos, including:
  • Surviving Active Shooter Attacks
  • Selecting Everyday Carry Items
  • How to Choose the Right Gun
  • How to set up your weapons systems
  • Strength Training to support shooting and fighting
  • Drills to practice at the range
  • Drills for dry fire or practice at home to improve skills
  • Techniques to improve shooting, moving and communicating
  • New videos weekly!

Membership Benefits

  • Discounts with affiliates and partner companies
  • Automatically enrolled in product giveaways

Firearms & Tactics Videos

Learn the best use of firearms and tactics from a former Navy SEAL for real world application.

Fighting & Combatives Videos

Learn fighting techniques that are devastating and how to upgrade your strikes using improvised weapons.

Strength & Mobility Videos

Develop explosive strength for combative with the flexibility needed for dynamic shooting positions.

 Already a member? Sign in here.

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